It's time to start upgrading Windows Server 2012

08 February 2022 - by Charlie Metcalfe

Datacentre with server racks


The end of the road for Windows Server 2012 is fast approaching. This includes all editions: Essentials, Standard, Datacentre, and their respective R2 variants, too! On the 9th October 2018, Windows Server 2012 reached end of life for mainstream support, though extended support is available until 10th October 2023. However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t start planning now!

What does that mean?

When you reach the end of mainstream support, Microsoft will continue to release security and critical patches until the end of the extended support period, but feature requests and bug fixes will be down to if Microsoft feels like helping us out. If you want to contact Microsoft support, then you’ll have to pay an extra fee, or have a service agreement with Microsoft.

What are the options from now?

You can continue running Windows Server 2012 OSs until the end of extended support (on the 10th October 2023), though your support will be reduced to security and critical patches only. However, now is the time to start proactively planning your migration away from Windows Server 2012.

Windows Server 2019 is a great choice for migrating away from 2012, being in mainstream support until the 9th January 2024, and extended support until the 9th January 2029. Windows Admin Centre paired with Windows Server 2019 allows for a powerful new management experience, and a single pane of glass experience that only some of the advanced management solutions had to offer.

Windows Server 2022 has recently been released and is beginning to mature, presenting as another valuable Windows Server OS for upgrades. Windows Server 2022 is in mainstream support until 13th October 2026, and extended support until 14th October 2031, providing plenty of runway before you’re required to upgrade again.


In summary, it’s good to plan ahead now to keep things up to date, rather than upgrading at the last minute. When you do an upgrade, it allows for documenting the difficult intricacies that caused a problem this time, ready for when you do the next upgrade in a few years’ time. That way, you know what to expect beforehand. As technology and best practice move on with time, it’s also a good opportunity to see if re-architecting the service provided is worthwhile, during the lifetime of the OS upgrade.

As always, Flownet are here and happy to help with planning and implementing the upgrades, or even architecture of your server estate, ready for the years ahead!

Give us a call or drop us an email today, if you’d like to talk about upgrading off Windows Server 2012