What is SoGEA? Broadband without the telephone line!

03 June 2021 - by Charlie Metcalfe

Yellow rotary-style telephone

What is SoGEA?

Up until recently, you required a traditional telephone line installed into your premises to deliver broadband - whether you wanted to use the analogue 'landline' phone, or not. SoGEA (Single Order Generic Ethernet Access) negates the need for a phone line. SoGEA is a dedicated line that delivers a broadband-only connection. It uses the same wiring as your current phone line (i.e. the same face-plate), however it doesn't carry analogue voice.

Why was SoGEA Broadband created?

The reliance upon the traditional PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) has decreased with the move to IP Telephony (VoIP), and other internet-based communications technologies. With the shift towards these new IP-based technologies, traditional phone lines are becoming redundant.

BT Openreach have also announced the future as a data-only service, where traditional IDSN phone line service will be terminated by 2025. BT exchanges no longer allow PSTN phone line orders as part of the migration to an all-IP network. This means that the future is a data-only, fibre service for homes and businesses, no longer requiring traditional phone lines to access broadband.

Differences between FTTC (Fibre To The Cabinet) and SoGEA

FTTC (Fibre To The Cabinet) has been in service in many parts of the UK now for a considerable time. Traditional FTTC carries faster fibre broadband speeds (up to 80mbps download & 20mbps upload) over copper phone lines. From the cabinet to the BT exchange, it's fibreoptic cabling.

SoGEA works in the same way - that it uses the same copper cabling, however it does not carry a voice service (there will be no dial-tone when you plug a phone into the phone socket). This means that customers requiring a voice service must move to an IP-based telephony system, such as Flownet's VoIP service. However, SoGEA broadband is avaliable in similar speeds to FTTC & ADSL broadband currently, but in a data-only variant. SoGEA, being a new technology, may require a new face-plate or connection to be installed into the premises.

SoGEA Benefits

SoGEA is a new and exciting technology which has many benefits compared to the alternative of traditional broadband. For businesses wishing to future-proof their connections, especially after the move to IP-based telephony, SoGEA makes sense.

Future-proof technology ahead of the 2025 PSTN switch-off
Quicker order - only a single order required
Less expensive than traditional WLR + Broadband
Quicker installation
Superior speed